Facial Massage – 15 Minutes + Peeling

Facial massage will increase circulation, squeeze the lymph glands, thereby reducing the facial swelling and lifting the contours of your cheeks. A facial peel is a dermatological and aesthetic treatment designed to improve the appearance of facial skin.

If you have ever wondered why your skin always shines after a facial treatment, it is not just because of the cosmetics used, but a great role plays the massage technique that literally lifts and awakens the skin. Proper movements will increase circulation, squeeze the lymph glands, thereby reducing the facial swelling and lifting the contours of your cheeks. The best thing is that you will notice a big difference in your skin and face shape – it is like a natural lifting. People who do this daily have younger and firmer skin and as they age, they are more likely to have healthy and evenly toned skin.

A facial peel is a dermatological and aesthetic treatment designed to improve the appearance of facial skin. These improvements are primarily due to the elimination of dead cells by helping them to slough off and make space for the generation of new skin cells.

Facial peeling is used to achieve positive cosmetic results for the following purposes:

  • To obtain a smoother skin texture
  • To improve skin elasticity and smoothness, resulting in a much more hydrated complexion