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HIFU Body Treatment

8D Hifu is a high-intensity focused ultrasound that carries the heat energy into the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate the production of new collagen and thus improves the skin. This treatment is applied on the face but also on the whole body and gives the same results on all skin types. 8D Hifu gives three times better results than other 4D Hifu. Hifu is a non-invasive, safe and sophisticated treatment that penetrates deep into the skin and stimulates production of collagen and elastin in order to achieve natural results without surgery.

Hifu is a non-invasive, safe and sophisticated treatment that penetrates deep into the skin and stimulates production of collagen and elastin in order to achieve natural results without surgery.

3 sessions – 10 years younger

8D Hifu is a high-intensity focused ultrasound that carries the heat energy into the deeper layers of the skin to stimulate the production of new collagen and thus improves the skin. This treatment is applied on the face but also on the whole body and gives the same results on all skin types. 8D Hifu gives three times better results than other 4D Hifu.

Before the treatment, the collagen in our skin is weak, which makes the skin relaxed and with deep wrinkles. Micro-focused ultrasonic rays of energy pass through the skin layers without damaging it. The skin responds to stimuli, creating new collagen and elastin at the same time, making the skin tighter.

Remodeling of collagen, elastin and fiber construction of the skin is achieved in just one 30-minute treatment with long-lasting effects and a totally non-invasive technique.
